Saturday 2 October 2010

Musukotwane Chiefdom

We just got back from a 3 day trip into the Musukotwane Chiefdom, where we distributed vitamins to many of the villagers.  We got to also minister to the children on the Chabalanda Primary school, the team taught them many bible stories and songs and were even able to act out the story of David and Goliath.  90 Children made a commitment to Christ!!
The team from Beyond Adventure was extremely helpful and showed a true servant heart in all that they did. They shared their personal testimonies with the people during the night meetings when we showed the Jesus Film.  300-350 villagers showed up at night for the meetings and many lives were challenged.
The villagers had hunted an impala, I was able to make a delicious marinade and we braaied the meat for dinner. 
On the way home we are asked by one of the pastors if we would transport his pig into town, he needed to sell it so he could pay for his sons school fees.  So we did as one of our staff reminded us that on our trucks we have written "Any Road, Any Load, Any Time"

It was a fun, productive expedition with never a dull moment!
 His kingdom continues to be established

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