Saturday 25 September 2010

South African Team from Beyond Adventure helping with Vitamin Distribution

During this past week we went into the Nyawa Chiefdom and distributed just over 6 tons of vitamins to approximately 30 villages.  A team from South Africa from the Beyond Adventure School accompanied us and was a great help in the distribution.   
It was the first time that I helped lead a South African team, it was fascinating to watch the differences.  South Africans are up early, well too early for my liking and have already exercised!  They all have a bath before breakfast and are well dressed for being in the bush.  They have an amazing sense of humor and joking around continues all through the day and nobody get offended or hurt.  Other teams will wake up right at breakfast time and never bath until the 3rd day in the bush and will wear the same clothing for a few days.  Some have a sense of humor but there is always a time and a place to joke around.
I am not complaining or anything, just noticing the differences of culture.  We have such an assortment of people in our world and I think it makes it exciting and mysterious all at the same time to watch and learn about people!  

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