Friday 22 October 2010

A productive day in the Mukuni Sector

This morning I drove to the base and picked up Mariel our Health Co-ordinator and LIFE Volunteer and an AMT student and dropped them off that the Mukuni Rural Health Clinic to help out with in the under 5 activities.  At the Mukuni Market I picked up Joseph who is a zone manager and we drove 20 minutes NE to the Chilizya LIFE Pre-School to do a school evaluation.

Just an hour ahead, Christy Clarke was in the village of Ndele doing her weekly bible study with the women and Erin Hartzell, accompanied by Wezi Chembe were refreshing village surveys in the Chibalani and Siakunda Villages.
With rainy season coming up and only 4 more weeks of productive ministry there is never a moment to be wasted! 

Thank you Jesus for trucks and the energy, wisdom and grace to do all that we have too to bring closure to this year of ministry in Zambia!

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