Monday 18 October 2010

The Skirts

After a year of living in Zambia, I found that there is a group of missionary women from all denominations who hold a weekly bible study in the town.  Some of them have been here for many years and are doing an amazing work with the people of Zambia.
It is once a week for about 3 hours were we get together to watch the video, discuss the study and then have a time of prayer.  We then have tea and a time of fellowship.  Most weeks I was able to make it, and then there were some that I could not because I had to be in the village.  Then I would just borrow the video and get caught up.
Most studies are done using the Beth Moore work books and videos and I am able to do a 6 week study with them by Jennifer Rothschild, called Fingerprints of God.
This time has really encouraged me and there is definitely such a spirit of unity and love among everyone.  

Recently we decided to do a quilting project together and it has been fun, I am abit behind and look forward to catching up in the rainy season when things slow down.  I have posted a picture of us and some of the quilts are in the making, there are also a few ladies that are not in the pic because they have already left to go to the USA on furlough.  

In my life I find that I cannot live with just the relationships of people that are my age or younger, I find that it is not enough to live a balanced christian life.  I NEED the wisdom, love and accountability of the mature, more seasoned generation and I thank God that he has brought just that to me in Zambia!!

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