Wednesday 15 September 2010

Elephant stops Traffic

While driving back to the base, there was a lone elephant just standing in the middle of the road. Most times while driving by they just cross and move on over allowing all the vehicles to pass by. Well this little guy, probably about 10 years old was all alone and showing some attitude.

Some cars and taxi's beeped their horns at him and he started to swing his trunk at them and stop his feet, so they knew he meant business and all we could do was just wait until he moved.
About a good 10minutes later he did mosy on over and all was good.

Elephants have great memories. If a blue car tried to tick them off a few weeks ago, the next time they see a blue car they can tip it over. Even though many gardens are destroyed all the time and people have been chased, injured and even killed by elephants, the Zambian locals still give them their space!

After almost 18 months of being in Zambia and seeing elephants all the time I am still in awe of them and can never get enough of the wild life here!

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