Sunday 1 May 2011

Missionary Ladies Retreat

After living in for a year I met a group of missionary women in the town.  They had a weekly bible study and I was invited to go.  Now just over a year of going to bible study and getting to know these women, we had a retreat for a weekend.  We found a place on the Zambezi River that gave us an excellent deal for accommodation.  We watched and listened to various speakers like Beth Moore, Beverley Lahay, Jill Briscoe and more.  It was a refreshing time to hear each other's stories from the field and then just to be together and be refreshed.  For some reason I have no pics of the actual happenings of the weekend, but I do have some pics of my room and outdoor bathroom and a group pic one of the ladies had taken.

The shower, all outside just with reeds around

Hey there was plumbing
flush toilets

An amazing group of faithful, courageous women in Zambia

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