Tuesday 10 May 2011

Trapsing the bush for a Rhino

There a re few rhinos in Zambia that are still in the wild, they are protected 24 hours a day because pouching is such a common occurrence.  So men with AK 47 follow them all the time.

I have a friend who knows one of the guys that follow the rhino and on a few occasions I was invited to go see them but was always busy, well I did get to go this time.

While walking I saw this skull, it looks like a bush buck 

We met the man on the side of the road and drove the vehicle into the bush, we got out and walked for about 20 minutes trying the find the rhinos where he last left them when he met us, well they were gone, hahhaa they had left that spot.  We walked back to the vehicle while he tracked them and then he came to get us, we walked another 10 minutes and there they were just grazing without a care in the world.  We followed them for 30 minutes as they just walked around, it was such a good experience.  

Saturday 7 May 2011

~~~~Goodies from Canada~~~~

Granola bars are gold in Zambia, sometimes you may find nature valley ones that are almost $2 each at a local grocer called  Stop Shop.  As for tortilla chips they are non existent so when I received this box it was like Christmas!!

Thursday 5 May 2011

LIFE Teacher Training

During the year we have bi-weekly teacher trainings were we bring all the teachers from the 18 schools we have within Mukuni and train them with different learning outcomes of a preschool.

At the end of a term we have an intense 3 day training were all teachers walk to a half way point, they are picked up by one of our trucks and then brought to Nsongwe Village for the training.

At this training they learnt the importance of equipment in the schools and then they were given 2L coke bottles, milk bottles and other containers that they will make toys with.  We also made matching games and showed them the difference between big and small.

Jessi teaching the difference between big and small animals

Sunda and Kya sitting with mom as she teaches

Sunda is helping the good student and helping mom, notice the baby on her back

Kya playing in the recycling that we will give to the teachers to make toys with

Sunday 1 May 2011

Missionary Ladies Retreat

After living in for a year I met a group of missionary women in the town.  They had a weekly bible study and I was invited to go.  Now just over a year of going to bible study and getting to know these women, we had a retreat for a weekend.  We found a place on the Zambezi River that gave us an excellent deal for accommodation.  We watched and listened to various speakers like Beth Moore, Beverley Lahay, Jill Briscoe and more.  It was a refreshing time to hear each other's stories from the field and then just to be together and be refreshed.  For some reason I have no pics of the actual happenings of the weekend, but I do have some pics of my room and outdoor bathroom and a group pic one of the ladies had taken.

The shower, all outside just with reeds around

Hey there was plumbing
flush toilets

An amazing group of faithful, courageous women in Zambia