Friday 1 April 2011


Three years ago we opened 20 school in the Mukuni Chiefdom.  With time and alot of hard work 16 of them are still running and doing really well.  This year the Sector Managers of the Nyawa Chiefdom, Jacob and Jessi Schwertfeger have decided that that Chiefdom is ready for pre-schools.  In order to raise funds to operate these schools Overland Missions decided to have a fun run/walk in April.  Over 400 people ran the race and it was as successful event.

Most of the LIFE staff  were already in Africa so we decided to do a LIFE walk here in Zambia with our workers.  So we woke up early and went to Nsongwe village where they all live and we walked to work with them, just over 5km I think.

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