Monday 21 March 2011

Chibalani LIFE Preschool

Janet and I with the children at the Chibalani LIFE Pre-School

The children were doing the creative activity for the day,
dipping chalk in water and then drawing a picture with it.
Welcomed with a beautiful smile

Twin brothers going home because they were scared of me.
Today I visited the Chibalani LIFE Pre-School, the children were busy drawing pictures when we entered.  Most of them were all smiles and happy to see us.  There were a set of twin boys that were probably 5 years old and they were new so they had not seen me before.  One started to cry real loud and then the other followed, before I knew what was happening the both of them left the classroom followed by their 3 year old sister.  They were scared of me so they went home!

The teacher could not make them stay they were pretty upset, but before they left they did go to the corner of the classroom were everyone keeps their snack for the day and they took their sugar cane which was what they brought for a snack. At least they had their priorities in order :0)
I had to ask the teacher to please go to the home and explain to the parents what had happened.

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