Tuesday 22 February 2011

A month in South Africa

It is the rainy season in Zambia, during this time most ministry slows down because the roads makes driving difficult.
I took this time to go to South Africa and visit with family and friends and to also make some contacts with future  partners who will support me while on the field here in Zambia.

I got to see some of my friends that I had graduated school with almost 16 years ago.   I also saw family that I had not visited with since a teenager.

The highlight of my trip was spending time with my nephew and nieces and eating all the foods are we don't get it Zambia!!

Anna and I, we graduated from high school in 1994 and I had not seen her since

It was litchi season, they were sooo good!

My newphew Jaiden and niece Caylee in Johannesburg

My niece Jade in Durban
It was a very refreshing time!

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