Thursday 2 December 2010

Fairwell ladies until next year~

The year has come to an end, it is officially the rainy season and many of our staff have left this week and the rest leave by the end of this week!  For three months they will visit family, try to rest and refresh and fund raise for the next year and then return to Zambia in March 2011.

Us ladies that were still around decided to dress up and look normal and go out on the town for the night before we all left! It was fun to hang out and reflect on the year and the many memories we made and to also look forward to next year with excitement!

While waiting for our food to arrive, we had some entertainment, a mazungu (white) man about 6 ft tall walked right into the glass door that was facing us, to bad we could not get a picture but the moment was priceless, he was so embarrassed and we all tried not to laugh out loud right away, some of us succeeded but not all, lol

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