Wednesday 25 January 2012

I am getting older

This is Kelly Issel, when I first met her many years ago she was about 4 years old.  I watched over her in the nursery and then taught her at Sunday School.  I got to see her while in Canada after many years and she is a beautiful teenager who has committed to praying for me while on the field!  

Friday 20 January 2012

I love road trips, especially in the winter

Driving through Rossland, BC

This was on one of the passes on the way to Quesnel, we stopped to stretch our legs.

A little moose on the road to Prince George

Tuesday 17 January 2012

My first Overland Conference in the US of A

Mariel and Beau with one fine merchandise display

Mariel and I

Sherrill showing off the SAM and LIFE Project table

Joseph, Charlie and Jessi

Cristy, Sherrill and I

Thursday 5 January 2012

Oh Canada!!

After 3 years of being in Africa, I am back in Canada!! I have not been diligent in posting blogs in the last few months, a combination of lots of travel, business and procrastination.  I hope to get better at it this year :0))

While in Canada, I have spent time with friends and family during the Christmas season.